Monday, August 29, 2005 ;
7:50 PM
how to look at yourself with rotten teeth
- get some brown chocolate. not white, cos then it won't work.
- let it melt for awhile in your mouth.
- lick your front teeth, both upper and lower.
- stand in front of the mirror. preferably by yourself.
- grin like an idiot.
nice, huh? i did that yesterday with my sister and brother. we laughed like lunatics. and by the way, you better not let your parents catch you doing that. or else you may be banned from eating chocolates. don't say i didn't warn you!
every day is a new day ♥
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 ;
7:55 PM
Eek i haven't posted for so long. Geez. Anyway let's talk about the cross country race...
OMG!!! I just love MacRitchie Reservoir! 3.2km some more sia... Though none of 101ners got into top 20, I am contented that I finished the race. Heh. I didn't think I could do it. But I COMPLETED THE 3.2KM RUN!! Am I proud of myself. Ego man... (Sorry a bit LAME...)
Hui Kin said she slowed me down, but I think otherwise. I was the one who kept stopping to walk cos really got no energy to run. So I slowed Hui Kin down. Sorry Hui Kin... :(
Well next year still have chance. Su Huan and Jac 不要灰心... Gastric pains are really a pain. :) Oh and btw Jac do take care of your health. :)
After the run, I waited for my dad. Then waited for like half and hour in the car. Traffic congestion lor. What to say.
On Saturday was my auntie's "meet the parents session". She's getting married next January. Wohoo! Can have more cousins! lol. "Meet the parents session" was basically meeting the other party's parents+bro+sis...
It was quite an exciting occasion.
Except for the dress I was wearing. It was white, with some frilly thingy on the top... *puke* I detest wearing dresses. Well maybe those that will not suit me. Not true actually cos I RARELY wear dresses anyway... harhar.
HAH. And I'm gonna be something "maids-of-honour"... *puke again* What an INTERESTING name huh... But better than Flower girl. :P
Yesterday we had a SPCA talk for Assembly. Very enriching. Ms Sebastian was so humorous, yet you could feel her love for animals. She shared about some of the cases of animals being abused. So sad. There was this dog who was old and loved his owner a lot. But the owner did not love him anymore and just abandoned him at SPCA, saying he was gonna die anyway. Haiz can't stand this kind of people.
Then today some sec1s set up a stall for SPCA. I bought a poster plus 2 badges. Yay! Support SPCA! SPCA ROCKS!! :D
Yep am happy.
Jo :)
every day is a new day ♥
Saturday, August 13, 2005 ;
9:36 PM
12 aug
oh shoot i haven't posted for so long.
tons of updates, but basically i'm now juggling reserch for my project and blogging on my fingertips so i can't really update everything at the moment.
i loved my presents for my birthday party!!!THANK YOU JO THANK YOU JO THANK YOU.
13 aug
ok there was an interruption i've forgotten what i intended to say.
i must be mental.i actually use proper english.
anyway my auntie gave me my birthday present yesterday before my piano lesson.
thank you gu gu for the nice present.
last year most of my presents were bags.this year they are wallets.
oh goodie.
thank you everybody for the presents.
every day is a new day ♥
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 ;
1:19 PM
oh btw i forgot to mention... i met mimi on msn yesterday and a few days ago!!! (fyi: mimi is our class thai exchange programme fren:))
and she hasn't started school yet! no fair... she said a few more weeks... omg... that is SO NOT FAIR... but thankfully Singapore turned 40 today... holiday today... 2mr sch holiday... pheww... at least there's a breather from school... and i can revise biology in peace... :)
and those who want to contact mimi, tis her email and online diary... go see it... it's full of x-men... heez... anyway am talking to her in msn now! :D yep tata for now...
and before i forget...
P.S. tis is a photo of mimi, sam, me and hanqing... we took it b4 mimi went back to thailand... ^^
every day is a new day ♥
Monday, August 08, 2005 ;
4:44 PM
on saturday, i met mrs chia again!!!! yay!! but it was just a brief "hi mrs chia!!" cos u noe the entrance of tampines mall, which link to century square rite, i met mrs chia there. my mum was walking so quickly, she didn't see mrs chia... mrs chia still looks healthy, yeah that's a good sign...
then at 5.30pm, i went to tessa and stacey's birthday party. my parents fetched tricia and dave too. we were one of the earliest guests there... haha. anyway i had a great time there. met tessa's sec sch frens who were really the hyper type: chloe, marilyn, yi shu... chloe was a very nice girl, chatted with her a bit... marilyn was the outspoken one, yi shu was the harry potter fan... heez they were all nice ppl actually... :) although i still felt a bit awkward around them...
the bbq pit was 37... and we cycled and ran from there to the spider web thingy... took about 20 min... and that time was 8 plus already so very dark... we only played for like 5mins? and had to rush back again to cut the cake... but nvm it's all in the name of fun, peace and laughter... chloe ran there and ran back... wah stamina real good lor!! she still very humble say she's one of the "not so good" runners in st nicks track n field... :P
the carrot cake was nice but the chocolate cake could be improved... heez... it was baked by their dad... so sweet :D anyway i went home at abt 10.30pm with my sis, tricia and dave... last to go... harhar...i had a fun time there... hope there will be more! tricia i tink u r next!!
- jo ;)
every day is a new day ♥
4:27 PM
ok enough said.
it's not that desperate.
last last week i had sabbaticals: i joined food adventure and renewable energy. yay!
both of them rocked my world. i tink that week was the most enjoyable one since i came to nanyang... (so late ah u may say. but it's true lor)for food adventure we cooked indian cuisines, malay cuisines, chinese cuisines... all very delicious. i enjoyed frying the kueh dardar... very fun. but still jac fried the kueh dardar the best, so round and cute... and i very clumsy lor... i knocked the batter over and it spilled onto my skirt... my socks and shoes also kana hit... haiz so sticky... i rushed to the toilet with jing ying to wash the skirt... good thing it came off... jing ying so nice lor, help me wash too... thks man... :Dthen the 4th day we went to Oh Huat Farm... so interesting... so many spices and other nice plants... the guide tot my name was agnes... so weird dunno why lah... anyway we got to eat the plants and stuff... and smell them too... then we went shopping!! in their store i bought something for tessa for her bday cos tot the thing was very sweet... hoped u liked it...the last day we invited teachers and family members over to taste our food... my mum and grandma came... they both said the food very good... yay! well done aepers...i still liked the renewable energy better... cos we were just concentrating on the construction of a solar car over the 5 days, it's good in a way as u can worry about less things... anyway we also went to singapore poly to see the solar panels... very interesting de... (a pic's on top... sun ran, trixie, leny, hanqing) hee... i used a plank of wood dat was in the store room... my dad helped me "saw" the wood using a penknife... ty dad...i painted it black.. my fav colour... using acrylic paint... the last day we had a solar race!! we had preliminary round, semi-finals and finals... the process is a bit complicated so i shan't say much... i got thru the preliminary round and semi-finals, and won the finals. :) the finals was a very funny cos each race had 3 rounds so i started late on the first 2 rounds... 1st time was bcos i let go of it earlier and so i pulled it back but by then they had started, but good thing i came in 3rd out of 4 cars... 2nd time was slow reaction to the instructor's command but i came in 2nd. the last round i came in 1st cos 2 cars crashed and another one dunno wat happened.. heehee... the prize i chose a mini version of a solar car... was all very cool...sabbaticals rock man!! there will be more to come... yay!-jo
every day is a new day ♥
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 ;
2:52 PM

heyz im not a very faithful blogger.... harhar
hui kin say i never update one...
ermmm yah true lah...
busy mah...
fail liao...
mummy i wanna cry...
test was easy and tricky...
but my mind was so blank...
sad, really, i will revise better next time...
every day is a new day ♥